Table of Contents

Terms of Use

Before you continue to use our services, we hope you can read and understand carefully all the terms listed below. These Terms of Use govern your use of our services and set forth the rules that need to be followed to create a safe, fair and beneficial environment for all users. Thank you for your attention and involvement in complying with our rules.

Conditions of Use

CodeBoltz is offered to you, the user, conditioned on your acceptance of the terms, conditions, and notices contained or incorporated by reference herein and such additional terms and conditions, agreements, and notices that may apply to any page or portion of the Site .


Your use of this Site constitutes your agreement to all terms, conditions, and notices. Please read them carefully. By using this Site, you agree to these Terms and Conditions, as well as any other terms and conditions, guidelines, or rules applicable to any part of this Site, without limitation or qualification. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, you must immediately exit the Site and cease use of any information or products from this Site.

Site Modifications and Terms & These Terms

CodeBoltz reserves the right to change, modify, change, update or discontinue the terms, conditions and notices under which this Site is offered and the links, content, information, prices and other materials offered through this Site at any time and from time to time without notice or further obligations to you except as provided herein. We reserve the right to adjust prices from time to time. If for some reason there may be a price error, iMidtrans has the right to refuse the order.
By continuing to use this Site after any modifications, changes, or updates, you agree to be bound by such modifications, changes, or updates.


CodeBoltz grants you the right to access and use the Licensed Software Platform solely for your internal business purposes during the term of this Agreement. This right is non-exclusive, non-transferable,
and is limited by and subject to this Agreement. You may not:

  • Modify, adapt, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any component of the Licensed Software Platform.
  • Create derivative works based on any components of the Licensed Software Platform.
  • Allow any third party to use or have access to any component of the Licensed Software Platform or Documentation.

Ownership Rights

You acknowledge and agree that:

  • The Software Platform and Licensed Documentation are the property of CodeBoltz or its licensors and not you, and
  • You will use the Platform Licensed Software and Documentation only under the terms and conditions described herein.


In exchange for the license granted, you must pay a license fee to CodeBoltz (“License Fee”) as stated in the fee schedule on the Site Pricing page. The License Fee does not include VAT and will be billed monthly and charged to the Licensee’s credit card details. All such invoices will be sent to the Licensee’s email address specified as part of the registration process. You shall pay all sales taxes, use taxes and excise taxes, as well as any other tax assessments designated on the Licensed Software Platform or its license or use thereof on or as a result of this Agreement, unless you provide CodeBoltz with a certificate of exemption from payment of such taxes in an acceptable form. reasonably by CodeBoltz.


These Terms and Conditions include:

  • Use to evaluate the Licensed Software Platform, including through prototypes available in Preview, or
  • Use by smaller independent developers, students, academic staff or hobbyists. All other uses are subject to separate commercial agreements with CodeBoltz.


As a licensee of the Service, you will receive 24×7 monitoring and dashboard reporting and you may receive contact with iMidtrans Support by logging a support ticket at Higher levels of support are subject to separate licensing from CodeBoltz.

Termination Requirements

CodeBoltz, in its sole discretion, may suspend or terminate this Agreement immediately if:

  • CodeBoltz suspects that you are compromising the Licensed Software Platform, or
  • You commit a material breach of your obligations under this Agreement: or
  • You stop running your business or are unable to pay your debts, or
  • You have been or may be unable to perform your obligations under this Agreement.

If this Agreement is terminated, you agree to return or declare the destruction of all copies of the Licensed Software Platform (including SDK) and Documentation, and all amounts owed by you under this Agreement will become immediately due and payable.


You may disclose Confidential Information to your directors or employees or any member of your group who needs to have access to it for the purposes of the Agreement: and/or professional advisors subject to appropriate conditions of confidentiality.

Warranty and Liability

CodeBoltz guarantees and undertakes to you that:

  • CodeBoltz will use its reasonable efforts to provide the Services and exercise reasonable care
    and skills and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, and
  • CodeBoltz has full power and authority to provide the Services to you in accordance with
    the terms of this Agreement.

Your Obligations and Warranties

You warrant and covenant with CodeBoltz that you own the Intellectual Property Rights in the Licensee Content and have full rights to use them for the purposes specified by this Agreement:

  • Licensee Content will not contain viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other harmful code,
  • Licensee Content will not violate any guidelines available on the relevant device and store where it will be released:
  • Licensee Content will not be unlawful, threatening, abusive, harmful, malicious, obscene, pornographic, malicious, indecent, libelous, defamatory under the laws of any jurisdiction in which the Content may be accessed,:


CodeBoltz will take all reasonable steps to prevent security breaches in your server interactions and security breaches in interactions with resources or users outside any firewalls that may be built into CodeBoltz servers.

Privacy Policy

Your information is safe with us. CodeBoltz understands that privacy issues are of critical importance to our customers. You can be assured that any information you send to us will not be misused, misused or sold to others. We only use your personal information to complete your order.

Applicable law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws in force in Indonesia.

Questions and Feedback

We welcome your guests, comments and concerns about privacy or any information collected from you or about you. Please send us all feedback relating to privacy, or anything else
other problems.

Legal Notice
CodeBoltz is a brand of PT Studio Innovation Digital.
Copyright ©2024 All Rights Reserved.